Wednesday Nov 2nd, 2016


Do all plants & living things live in the same place?  Why or why not? Take a look!

Habitat Match *GAME*

Can you place the correct animals in their habitat? *GAME*


Body Covering- Do all animals have the same covering? 

Why do you think they may need different types of covering? Look at the pic below & try to make groups of animals that have similar body covering (& may live in the same habitat.)

Wednesday, Oct 26th, 2016
Hey Kids,
Can you find all the parts of a plant? Go outside & take a look!

 What do plants need to live & grow?

Have you heard this word before.... 

Lets take a look!

Why do we have seasons?

Tuesday, October 15th, 2016

Where are these kids? What are they doing?

Have you taken a look around you? What do you see?

Tuesday August 23rd, 2016

Do you know what this means?

What about these signs? Where have you seen them? What are they used for?

Why do we use signs & symbols?

Do you use signs or symbols?

Take a look at this little poem by Shel Silverstein!

Here are a few extra clips to help you learn or remember signs.


Thursday, June 30th, 2016

Hey kids, 
Can you do a little investigation?

Hey mom & dad,
Can you please share with your kids tonight?
Miss Noelle

Please bring information about important people from Concepcion´s History! (Try to think about names, places, dates and contributions.)


Tuesday June 21st, 2016

Hey Kids,
Let´s get started on our 3rd unit of Inquiry... ´Our Community´

What is a community??

What do you think?

Who lives in a community?

Who works in our community?
What is a job? What is a profession?

Thursday May 26th, 2016
Hey kids,
Look at the photos & what are these things? Can you tell? The images are taken from above! 
Have fun learning!!
Miss Noelle

What did you observe? Could you name the things in the photos??

Would you like to try to plan a home, school or resturant? Give it a try!! Copies of plans will be made avaliable by your teachers!

Tuesday, May 24th, 2016
Hey kids,
  Here are some cool satellite videos from space to earth... let´s take a look!
Have fun learning!
Miss Noelle

Mapa de Av George Knight, San Pedro de la Paz, Región Metropolitana

ACTIVE satellite, play with this to find your street, school, go explore

Outer space to earth

My house to outer space

My street to outer space

LIVE FEED- Sattellite view from outer space

Hope you had fun exploring from space!

Wednesday May 4th, 2016
Hey Kids,
 Do you know where Chile is located on a map? Which continent is it apart of? Do you know other continents? What about our oceans? Let´s play a game & try to learn!! Let´s try!!!
Have fun learning!!
Miss Noelle
How many continents does our planet have?

Can You find CHILE? What is the name of this Continent?

World Map
Which ocean touches CHILE?


The Andes Mountain Range of South America is the second tallest mountain range in the world (next to the Himalayas). The Andes Mountains stretch along the Pacific coast of South America from Venezuela to Cape Horn. The Andes Mountains are volcanic in origin and are very abrupt and steep. They are part of the volcanic "Ring of Fire" that circles the Pacific Ocean. The Andes Mountains have formed due to volcanic activity along the boundary between the Pacific Plate and the South American Plate.

Can you find the ANDES MOUNTAIN RANGE???


LAND & OCEANS (game)





Name that Country
Wednesday April 27th, 2016
Hey kids,
Where do you come from? Where does your family come from?
Please talk to your mom, dad, grandparents. This unit we must learn about our families!  What makes us similar & different?  How are we unique to others?
Have fun learning!!

Miss Noelle

Where do you live?

Which region do you live in?

Which country do you live in?

What is the name of the continent you live in?

Can you find your home here?

Can you find your home on this map?

Wednesday, April 6th, 2016
Hey kids,
Let´s learn new words & the parts of our body!!
Have fun singing & learning:)
Miss Noelle

Wednesday, March 30th, 2016
Hey kids,
Remember our Gorilla clip?  Let´s watch it again! What do we need to know about the boy to help? What important information do you need to know for an emergency?
What do you know about yourself? Ask your mom & dad!
Have fun learning & stay safe!
Miss Noelle

Here are a few different cards asking for information. Take a look, they ask for almost the same things!

Tuesday, March 29th, 2016
Hey kids here are some words we must learn!
Miss Noelle

*Me- Brother-Sister (Step-brother-Step-sister)
*Mother-Father (Step-mother-Step Father)
*Great-Aunt-Great-Uncle-Great Grandparents

Some of us have more family than others... some of us have 2 families with even more brothers & sisters. Do you know anyone that has a bigger family?

Monday, March 28th, 2016
Hey kids, let´s learn about family!
Who are all of my relatives? What are their family names?
Do you have a big family? Do you know all of your family?
Ask your mom & dad to find out!
Have fun learning!

Miss Noelle

Who are your family members?

Please work at home on creating a family tree! Get to know your roots!
Do you have a sister? Brother? Auntie? Cousin?

Do you know this family?

Friday, March 11th, 2016

Hey kids,
Think about your family & friends, how are they the same? How are they different? Did you know that we are all different? We have many things that are similar but what makes us different?  Let´s think!
Miss Noelle

Thursday March 10th, 2016

Hello kids,
Lets review the days of the week with this fun RAP!!

I hope you like to RAP!

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